Monday, February 27, 2012

Soal Tafsir

Tafsir menurut bahasa adalah penjelasan atau keterangan, seperti yang bisa dipahami dari Quran S. Al-Furqan: 33. ucapan yang telah ditafsirkan berarti ucapan yang tegas dan jelas.
Menurut istilah, pengertian tafsir adalah ilmu yang mempelajari kandungan kitab Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi SAW., berikut penjelasan maknanya serta hikmah-hikmahnya. Sebagian ahli tafsir mengemukakan bahwa tafsir adalah ilmu yang membahas tentang al-Quran al-Karim dari segi pengertiannya terhadap maksud Allah sesuai dengan kemampuan manusia. Secara lebih sederhana, tafsir dinyatakan sebagai penjelasan sesuatu yang diinginkan oleh kata.

Pembagian Tafsir
Tafsir riwayat
Tafsir riwayat sering juga disebut dengan istilah tafsir naql atau tafsir ma'tsur. Cara penafsiran jenis ini bisa dengan menafsirkan ayat al-Quran dengan ayat al-Quran lain yang sesuai, maupun menafsirkan ayat-ayat al-Quran dengan nash dari as-Sunnah.
Tafsir dirayah
Tafsir dirayah disebut juga tafsir bi ra'yi. Tafsir dirayah adalah dengan cara ijtihad yang didasarkan pada dalil-dalil yang shahih, kaidah yang murni dan tepat.
Tafsir dirayah bukanlah menafsirkan al-Quran berdasarkan kata hati atau kehendak semata, karena hal itu dilarang berdasarkan sabda Nabi:
Dan siapa saja yang menafsirkn al-Quran dengan ra'yunya maka hedaknya ia bersedia menempatkan diri di neraka." "Siapa yang menafsirkan al-Quran dengan ra'yunya kebetulan tepat, niscaya ia telah melakukan kesalahan" (HR. Abi Dawud dari Jundab).
Ra'yu yang dimaksudkan oleh dua hadits di atas adalah hawa nafsu.
Hadits-hadits di atas melarang seseorang menafsirkan al-Quran tanpa ilmu atau sekehendak hatinya tanpa mengetahui dasar-dasar bahasa dan syariat seperti nahwu, sharaf, balaghah, ushul fikih, dan lain sebagainya.
Dengan demikian, tafsir dirayah ialah tafsir yang sesuai dengan tujuan syara', jauh dari kejahilan dan kesesatan, sejalan dengan kaidah-kaidah bahasa Arab serta berpegang pada uslub-uslubnya dalam memahami teks al-Quran.
Seorang mufassir adalah seorang yang mengartikan seuah ayat dalam arti yang lain/arti yang mirip.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Few Tips to Speed Learning Languages

How can we learn a new language? Can we actually learn a new language as quickly as possible?
The answer is yes, we can learn a new language as quickly as possible. Speed learning language is also synonymous to accelerated learning language. It is the process of recalling and successfully using the chunks of language we have learned. If we choose to memorize language through singular words then it will not help us on learning a new language. Speed learning language is about practicing and memorizing chunks of language we will definitely succeed.

Consider the idea of time spent and efforts saved in memorizing singular words instead of practicing and memorizing chunks of language. We keep on saying, "Time is Gold." Indeed time is very precious and so we're using speed learning language to save some time. Through this method we would be able to learn a new foreign language and save time. And there'd be time for other things to do.
Everybody who is inspiring to learn a language needs to learn the language fast and quick. Take a look at some tips for speed learning language.
Spend some time to listen to a foreign language radio or a TV show. There's nothing wrong with it even if you still don't know what they're talking about. The good thing about watching a foreign TV show is we get to see the body language. We get to see if they're happy or they're sad. Although listening to radio is not the same with watching emotions on TV. This time you can make use of the tone of voice.
Speed learning language can be challenging and fun. With dedication and persistence you can absolutely make it happen. Another tip in learning a new language is being able to allot a time for learning the language you desire. Consistency is a big thing when creating a schedule for you to be able to learn a new language.
The key thing with super learning language is to harness your inner motivation and make it work for you. It's really hard to push yourself into something that you're really not interested in. Remember learning a new language is never easy. Again, for you to learn a new language you have to be doing something with the chosen language that you want to learn every day, using materials that you can easily get, will significantly increase your likelihood of success in learning a new language. Even if it takes time and effort but at least your time will be shorter and more enjoyable.

Good Tips To Learn Spanish Language

Anybody that wants to learn Spanish may benefit from some useful methods for learning. Firstly, you need to find out how you remember things you want to recall. It may be that you can easily remember things you've heard, you've seen, or things you have done. One of the most popular ways for learning is to simply put yourself in the environment where the language you are studying is spoken everywhere. This is called immersion. If this is not a choice then making friends at speak Spanish, or finding a tutor to meet in person or online is key. No matter which way you would like to learn another language today there are many different methods to do it.
These days there are many different types of methods for learning. For anyone that is a good listener and may easily recall things you've heard, using this method to study is important. You might then choose to listen to the television, radio, or people speaking in real life. However you go about it, tuning in with your listening skills can be a great way to ensure that you may recall words or phrases in the future.

For anyone that can easily remember something simply by seeing it you may be a person who learns by sight. This is called a visual learner, and those that can easily retain information this way may like to study in a few ways. This includes using flashcards, writing words down, running on a chalkboard or using pictures with words. This may increase your ability to recall things quickly when you need to speak.
A very popular way today for learning another language is to simply immerse yourself in the culture by visiting or living in the country. This method is a sure way to force you to learn everyday expressions, words, and use them. A good way to study at home if you cannot travel abroad is to simply get in touch with others that are learning Spanish. You might even like to make new friends that are native speakers. Anyone with an interest in the language, like you, can be of big help to get you speak like a native. Doing this, you're forced to try to remember the things you learned, which lets you move forward.
Those that have a busy schedule due to work, or family can benefit from hiring a tutor. No matter what type of schedule that you have, a tutor can help you, introduce you to such things as grammar, and basic phrases, as well as pronunciation. It can be arranged to visit your home, or meet with you and a local cafe. This way you connect with someone who knows the language like Pro, and learning is made easier.
Many people learn in three different ways including: see, hearing, and doing. Once you know which way you retain things in memory easily, you can start from there. Anyone that is adventurous, and wants to learn quick, can choose to immerse themselves in the Spanish culture by living in Spain or any other Spanish speaking country. In addition there are tutors, or other connections you can make to study the language, and see improvement quickly. A foreign language can be fun, exciting, and make a lot of new friends no matter where you live today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Theory of Bahasa Indonesia for SMK

Indonesian slang (bahasa gaul or bahasa prokem) is an informal language of Indonesia primarily spoken in urban areas.
Indonesian slang is the informal version of Indonesian. Despite its direct origins, Indonesian slang often differs quite significantly in both vocabulary and grammatical structure from the most standard form of Indonesia's national language.
Its native name, bahasa gaul (the 'social language'), was a term coined in the late 1990s where bahasa means 'language' and gaul means 'social', 'cool' or 'trendy'. Similarly, the term bahasa prokém (a more out-dated name for Indonesian slang) created in the early 1980s means 'the language of gangsters'. Prokém is a slang form of the word préman and was derived from the Dutch word vrijman (English: freeman; lit. gangster).

Indonesian slang is predominantly used in everyday conversation, social milieus, among popular media and, to a certain extent, in teen publications or pop culture magazines. For those living in more urbanized regions of Indonesia, Indonesian slang language often functions as the primary language medium for communication in daily life. While it would be unusual to communicate orally with people on a casual basis with very formal Indonesian, the use of proper or 'good and correct' Indonesian ("bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar") is abundant in the media, government bodies, schools, universities, workplaces, amongst some members of the Indonesian upper-class or nobility and also in many other more formal situations.

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Download Questions of UN Exam Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian slang is an ever-evolving language phenomenon. This is, in part, due to its vocabulary that is often so different from that of standard Indonesian and Malaysian and also because so many new words (both original and foreign) are quite easily incorporated into its increasingly wide vocabulary list. However, as with any language, the constant changing of the times means that some words become rarely used or are rendered obsolete as they are considered to be outdated or no longer follow modern day trends.

Theory of Bahasa Indonesia for SMA

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population the number of people who fluently speak Indonesian is fast approaching 100%, thus making Indonesian one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other is English, alongside the official languages of Tetum and Portuguese).

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Download Theory of Bahasa Indonesia for School Exam

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For IPA/Keagamaan/IPS Program
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The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally "the language of Indonesia"). This term can sometimes still be found in written or spoken English. In addition, the language is sometimes referred to as "Bahasa" by English speakers, though this simply means "language" and thus does not technically specify the Indonesian language.
Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of the Malay language, an Austronesian (and Malayo-Polynesian) language originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for half a millennium. It was elevated to the status of official language with the Indonesian declaration of independence in 1945, drawing inspiration from the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth's Oath) event in 1928. However, it does differ from Malaysian in several aspects, with differences in pronunciation and vocabulary. These differences are mainly due to the Dutch and Javanese influences on Indonesian. Indonesian was also influenced by the "bazaar Malay" that was the lingua franca of the archipelago in colonial times, and thus indirectly by the other spoken languages of the islands: Malaysian Malay claims to be closer to the literary Malay of earlier centuries.
Whilst Indonesian is spoken as a mother tongue by only a small proportion of Indonesia's large population (i.e. mainly those who reside within the vicinity of Jakarta), over 200 million people regularly make use of the national language - some with varying degrees of proficiency. In a nation which boasts more than 300 native languages and a vast array of ethnic groups, it plays an important unifying and cross-archipelagic role for the country. Use of the national language is abundant in the media, government bodies, schools, universities, workplaces, amongst members of the Indonesian upper-class or nobility and also in many other formal situations.


Theory of Bahasa Indonesia for SMP

Standard and formal Indonesian is used in books and newspapers and on television/radio news broadcasts; however, few native Indonesian speakers use the formal language in their daily conversations. While this is a phenomenon common to most languages in the world (for example, spoken English does not always correspond to written standards), the degree of "correctness" of spoken Indonesian (in terms of grammar and vocabulary) by comparison to its written form is noticeably low. This is mostly due to Indonesians combining aspects of their own local languages (e.g., Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Chinese dialects) with Indonesian. This results in various 'regional' Indonesian dialects, the very types that a foreigner is most likely to hear upon arriving in any Indonesian city or town. This phenomenon is amplified by the use of Indonesian slang, particularly in the cities.

The language is spoken throughout Indonesia (and East Timor), although it is used most extensively as a first language in urban areas and usually as a second or third language in more rural parts of Indonesia. It is also spoken by an additional 1.5+ million people worldwide, particularly in the Netherlands, Suriname, East Timor, the Philippines, Australia, Saudi Arabia, New Caledonia, and the United States.
Indonesian is written with the Latin alphabet. Consonants are represented in a way similar to Italian, although ‹c› is always /tʃ/ (like English ‹ch›), ‹g› is always /ɡ/ ("hard") and ‹j› represents /dʒ/ as it does in English. In addition, ‹ny› represents the palatal nasal /ɲ/, ‹ng› is used for the velar nasal /ŋ/ (which can occur word-initially), ‹sy› for /ʃ/ (English ‹sh›) and ‹kh› for the voiceless velar fricative /x/. One common source of confusion for readers, particularly when reading place names, is the spelling changes in the language that have occurred since Indonesian independence.

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The first of these changes (‹oe› to ‹u›) occurred around the time of independence in 1947; all of the others were a part of the Perfected Spelling System, an officially-mandated spelling reform in 1972. Some of the old spellings (which were derived from Dutch orthography) do survive in proper names; for example, the name of a former president of the Indonesia is still sometimes written Soeharto, and the central Java city of Yogyakarta is sometimes written Jogjakarta.